Research Agenda

The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) has coped with diverse efforts in meaning to sustainable development in Cambodia at large. Research is one of the key approaches that have been critically significant importance tools in aiming at supporting evidence based for programing, policy, and decision making process. Recently, CCC has set out several research themes in following years in which explore to concrete research findings in order to support advocacy and policy adjustment at national and subnational levels. Specifically, research agenda is mainly focused on enabling environment, governance, democratic and development effectiveness in which civil society organizations (CSOs) are seen as key catalyst as well as driving force mechanism to contribute to sustainable development efforts in Cambodia as a whole.

Every year, CCC has produced numbers of researches to well inform for programing, policy options, and used as references for effective development and decision making. Currently, we have both in sources and out sources working for research initiatives, and have been supported from diverse funding community including the European Union, Bread for the World, which especially under the entitled “Strengthening Civil Society for Democratic and Sustainable Development in Cambodia” and other funding sources. CCC is committed to conduct several researches which mainly focus on:

  • Advance standard of good practices for NGOs operating in Cambodia
  • Assessment on institutional and program development of NGOs and CBOs
  • Enabling environment for CSOs in Cambodia
  • Feasibility Study on CSO Development Effectiveness in Cambodia
  • Feasibility study of CSO funding
  • Baseline Study on the Project of Strengthening Civil Society for Democratic and Sustainable Development in Cambodia
  • CSO performance management and its contribution on development in Cambodia.
  • Digital insight study
  • Salary and Benefits Study for CSOs
  • Member feedback survey

Through Research Advisory Board composing of an expert and think tanks on CSOs and Development Researches in Cambodia, the research quality, dissemination of finding, and research agenda is well managed and conducted. You can quickly access to a quick and brief finding and recommendations in Policy Briefs, and also access to the full reports at CCC publication.


NGO Research

Event Calendar
06 Mar 2025, Finance Learning Forum
13 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)