CCC Staff Reflection 2017
Speaker By:
Venue: Siemriep Province
Date: 19 Jul-21 Jul 2017
Time: -
Goal: Recharge energies of staff members and strengthen working spirit and approaches to transform CCC from Good to Great.
- To reflect and appreciate staff’s achievements, contributions and commitments for CCC for the first half of 2017.
- To comprehend CCC GHP 2017-2021 and operational plan 2017 by linkage with debates and socialized activities.
- To make staff aware of political risk assessment, advocacy and proposed mitigation plan.
- To relax and strengthen a strong relationship, mutual understanding, and team spirit among staff members and management.
Expected outcome:
- Key achievements of the first half 2017 and staff’s commitments and contributions to CCC appreciated.
- Staff well understood about GHP 2017-2021 and operational plan 2017.
- Staff well informed about political risk assessment, advocacy and proposed mitigation plan.
- Communications/relationships, mutual understanding, team spirit among staff members and management contributing to working results strengthened / improved.

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