1st M&E Learning Forum in 2015
Speaker By:
Venue: KSSA/ICF Center, Phnom Penh
Date: 21 May-21 May 2015
The M&E Learning Forum has been conducted since December 2009 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from M&E Working Group members who are M&E professionals and practitioners of CCC members. The forum is designed to:
- Stimulate action learning to transform knowledge; skills and experiences of individual people and organizations into a community of practices for a betterment of NGO community in Cambodia in the field of M&E
- Build a strong network among M&E practitioners and professionals for ongoing learning on M&E matters and issues related
To continuously respond to the needs of the NGO community for good practice within the NGOs, in 2015 CCC will host two full day M&E learning forums for member and nonmember organizations; in which the first forum will be conducted on 21 May 2015 and the second will be on 22 September 2015. The objectives, expected outcome, and agenda for the 1st M&E learning forum are as below:
Objectives of the forum:
- To share the techniques and key elements for good evaluation report writing
- To discuss on the practical experience of evaluation report writings
- To enhance understanding of reporting changes especially at outcome/impact level.
- To build more network among the participants who work in program and M&E field.
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