Basic Video Training
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Venue: Venue: (TBC), Phnom Penh
Date: 29 Jul-31 Jul 2024
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Other Event Archives
9th CNGO Forum on CSO Good Governance and Financing for Development in Cambodia
Since 2004, CCC hosts the NGO Governance & Professional Practices (NGO GPP) program (component), which is originally known as the NGO Good Practice Project, aiming at promoting good governance, accountability, transparency, professionalism and good practices within NGOs operating in Cambodia.
Sub-National Workshop on Communications and Do No Harm
The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) organized Communications and Do No Harm (DNH) workshop in Battambang Province on 12 November 2018. The workshop was discussed on the need of members and provincial NGOs network related to the social media and communications as a whole.
Regional Learning Forum on Policy Development and Civil Society.
Once we are together we can build trust and address a lot issues for our people, said by Mr Soeung Saroeun at CCC Regional Learning Forum on Policy Developntent and Civil Society. This forum was conducted on 9 May 2018 in Kratie province for 50 CSO representatives from....
To promote civic space and social accountability across the region
To promote civic space and social accountability across the region, Mr. Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director of CCC participated in an international dialogue with relevant stakeholders including Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through the coordination of Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) during the visit in Tokyo on 19-22 Feb 2018. Besides enabling ..