Project Management
Speaker By:
Date: 10 Oct-13 Oct 2022
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Other Event Archives
Law on the Auditing and Accounting and Reporting Template
On 29 July 2021, CCC led an Online CCC Members Meeting in order to share the most updated information about CCC and members, discussion on development issues, research result, and other legal compliant for CSOs. There were 87 participants from CSOs in Cambodia.
CSO Strategic Discussion for Policies and Programing
Share on current policies impacts to civil society operation including CSDGs, DCPS and so on. Share and discuss on research finding related to CSOs (CSO Image, Enabling Environment, Sustainability Index, Older People, and CSO Road Map). Discusse and generate key strategic recommendation for better programing and policies..
Special Members Meeting
This meeting was aimed at provide the process of work permit for foreign labor operational their activities in Cambodia and
Second ICT Learning Forum
The ICT Learning Forum has been conducted since 2010 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from Cambodia IT Association (CITA) and ICT Working Group Members