Recognition at International and National Level

At the regional level, CCC is a full member of CIVICUS, International Forum of National NGO Platforms (IFP), The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD Watch), and ASEAN CSR Network. CCC is also an active member of Asian Development Alliance (ADA), International Civil Society Center (ICSC), and Management Systems International (MSI). Having this privilege, CCC channels the common CSO’s concerns on civic space to reach international communities and seeks for short-term and long-term solutions.

One of the remarkable collaboration with regional CSOs, CCC hosted advanced advocacy course on Global Advocacy Leadership in Asia Academy (GALAA) for NGOs from different countries on promoting CSO space and enabling environment for CSOs in Cambodia.

At the national level, CCC is a vice-chair of Implementation Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) of National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD). Throughout Implementation Program Phase 3 (2018-2020), CCC is able to touch on the key framework of policy discussion.

Event Calendar
21 Feb 2025, M&E Learning Forum
06 Mar 2025, Finance Learning Forum
13 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)