Enquiry on Sub-Grant

1- Could an NGO that ran out of fund for a period of time, apply for this sub-grant?

  • This sub-grant is open for all applicants who are: LNGO members of CCC, LNGO partners of EU, LNGO partners of Bread for the World (BfdW), LNGOs and CBOs in Phom Penh, Ratanakiri, Kratie, Kompot, Sihanouk Ville, Svay Rieng, Siem Reap, Kompong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang, Takeo, and provincial NGO networks in these provinces and Phnom Penh. Please refer to point No.5 in call for concept note for this sub-grant.

 2- For how many projects could an applicant apply for this sub-grant?

  • An eligible applicant is entitled to apply for this sub-grant to support one project initiative during the application period.

 3- What is the maximum value of a sub-grant?

  •  The maximum value of a sub-grant is EUR 15,000 (fifteen thousands Euro).

 4- What would be the percentage of cost sharing?

  •  The percentage of cost sharing is optional. Each applicant could highlight this cost-sharing percentage if there is any.

 5- How long is the project period?

  •  The average project period for this sub-grant is 12 months.

 6- What would be the project’s administrative cost?

  • The maximum administrative cost of the project is determined at 30% of the project’s total cost. However, this percentage could be increased if the project’s initiative requires, in order to ensure the success of the project.

 7- Could a non-member NGO of CCC apply for this sub-grant?

  •  Please refer to No.1 above.

 8- Is this sub-grant looking to promote safety village/commune policy to youth group?

  •  Please refer to project sector in point No.2, of the call for concept note for this sub-grant.


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