LFR Refresher Course
Speaker By:
Venue: Zoom
Date: 07 Jun-08 Jun 2022
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
M&E Learning Forum
The first M&E learning forum was conducted successfully with actively participated by all participants and professionally supported by honor guest speakers and fruitfully produced
First ICT Learning Forum
The ICT Learning Forum has been conducted since 2010 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from Cambodia IT Association (CITA) and ICT Working Group Members
Event This Montlh II
We, the participants in the International Conference on the 25th Anniversary of the 1991 Paris Peace
28th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) is the biggest event of the year for CCC members, partners and constituencies to come together to celebrate the success 2017, to discuss on key issues and also set commitments for 2018.
Bi-Monthly Meeting
Today, the 253rd Bi-Monthly meeting was convened at Diakonia Center (KSSA/ICF). Cooperation Committee for Cambodia - CCC is pleased to warmly congrat and welcome five new members organization including ...
Annual General Meeting
The 2013 Annual General Meeting (AGM) for CCC members will be held on 05 March 2014. It will bring in leaders of CCC members, current and former Executive Committee (EXCOM)...
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កាលពីថ្ងៃទី២៨ ខែកញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ២០១៧ គណៈកម្មាធិការសហប្រតិបត្តិការដើម្បីកម្ពុជា (គ.ស.ក) បានរៀបចំកិច្ចប្រជុំនៃភាពជាដៃគូ ដើម្បីលើកកម្ពស់ និងបណ្ដុះវប្បធម៌នៃការប្រតិបត្តិល្អ និងនិរន្តរភាពរបស់អង្គការសហគមន៍មូលដ្ឋាន។