Development Partner Engagement

CCC well maintains its partnership with Development Partners (DPs) in the country including and particularly the European Union, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations (UN), Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and others. Through the space in various national Technical Working Groups (TWGs), CCC has built inclusive partnership with relevant DPs so that CCC could promote the inputs of CSOs into the national policies through these platforms.

Additionally, CCC has participated in most of the consultation and discussion organized by those Development Partners such as in the development and assessment of their country development plans. CCC has also engaged DPs in most of their advocacy and program activities such as in the process of Laws on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO), Cambodian Sustainable Development Goals (CSDGs), the formulation of the Governance Hub Program, the dialogue on Enabling Environment for CSOs in Cambodia, the dialogue on Financing for Development, the dialogue on Inclusive Partnership for Development etc.

The contributions and voices raised by CCC and CSOs partners have been taken into account and reflected by some DPs in their country development strategies. For example, the EU has created a strategy called the EU Roadmap for Engagement with Civil Society in Cambodia (2014-2018) in which many interventions raised there are well aligned with the interventions proposed by CCC and other CSOs.

Event Calendar
21 Feb 2025, M&E Learning Forum