CSO Engagement

As end of July 2016, there are nearly 5,000 local and international NGOs/Associations registered with Ministry of Interior (MoI) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. There are more than 10 umbrella and network based organization in Phnom Penh such as CCC, NGO Forum, HACC, NEP, CDPO, etc. and approximately 20 provincial NGO networks (almost one network in each province). While some networks have a good reputation and function well, many do not.

Cooperation around technical issues appears to be easier than cross sectoral cooperation. The overall cooperation among CSOs remains low. The lack of coordination and collaboration is also due to the fact that NGOs follows a project approach of externally funded activities and historically donors rarely request NGOs to ensure coordination and collaboration with each other especially between similar organizations or activities. Collaboration among civil society can be done in terms of technical expertise, institutional strengthening, financial sustainability etc.

CCC has integrated those priorities into its new phase Governance Hub Program (GHP 2017-2021). Regular capacity development and follow up services are provided to its members and NGO partners, particularly in the fields related to organizational development.

Regular meetings/ discussion/ consultations have been made to promote general understanding on the current development context related to CSOs in Cambodia as well as to generate their common response to those challenges. At the sub national level, a project on Strengthening CSO Networks for Inclusive Development has been jointly implemented by CCC to promote the capacity of 8 provincial NGO networks in responding to the development challenges in their respective province. At the same time, through the MoU, CCC has established the formal collaboration with 09 NGO networks which support all parties to promote their organizational development, resource mobilization, and advocacy. CCC is also facilitating a study on CSO collaboration for development effectiveness in which a few collaboration mechanisms will be proposed to ensure that more CSOs are working collaboratively and professionally as an inclusive partners for development.

Event Calendar
21 Feb 2025, M&E Learning Forum
06 Mar 2025, Finance Learning Forum
13 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)