Business and Capacity Development

The Business and Capacity Development of CCC aims to improve the quality services and the financial sustainability of CSOs in Cambodia by promoting application of Istanbul Principles on CSO Development Effectiveness, good governance principles, standards of good practice, financial sustainability and CSR/RBC and business and human right to Improve NGOs governance, organization development,  the understanding of Cooperation Social Responsibility /Responsible Business Conduct, Business and Human Right, NGOs Professional Practice, Financial Secure of its members and the target audiences. To achieve these objectives CCC has been providing the series of interventions/events such as

1) Learning forum on ICT, M&E, FM and HR,

2) Training course on Governance Professional and Accountability,

3) CSR/RBC and Business and Human Right awareness raising,

4) M&E App hosting and training,

5) Video production training,

6) Event space rental,

7) Engage with Cambodia CSR platform and ASEAN CSR network to promote the CSR/RBC and business and human right,

8) Member of OECD watch

9) Multi-stakeholder engagement (develop guiding principle for multi-stakeholder engagement),

10) Mentoring and coaching on policies development and governance and organizational documents development,

11) Board and ED workshop.

For more information please see the detail of each intervention/event.

Event Calendar