ICT learning forum
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Venue: Venue: (TBC), Phnom Penh
Date: 26 Jul-26 Jul 2024
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
CCC Members 276th Bi-monthly Meeting on "Environmental, Social, and Governance and Practical Application in Cambodia"
First Training on Governance Professionalism and Accountability (GPA) 2015
As the longest established membership organization in Cambodia, the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) has been playing a unique role since 1990 in strengthening the cooperation, professionalism, accountability, governance...
Promoting more effective partnership between INGOs and other CSO building on Oxfam's Future Roles of INGO in Cambodia
The consultation was aim to build common understanding on the role of civil society organization especially the future role of International Organizations in Cambodia.
249th Bi-Monthly Members Meeting
The 249th Bi-Monthly Members meeting will be convened on 5 October 2017. Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting designed for participants who....
We are very delighted to meet Mr. Samuel Hurtig, Head of Development Cooperation Section, and Ms. Camilla Monsine Ottosson
Today, we are very delighted to meet Mr. Samuel Hurtig, Head of Development Cooperation Section, and Ms. Camilla Monsine Ottosson, First Secretary-Democracy, Human Rights and Labour Market, at the Embassy of Sweden Phnom Penh to discuss on topic such as strategic partnership development.
Bi-monthly meeting 256th
CCC is pleased to introduce and warmly welcome 10 new member organizations to our platform including 1) CIAI, 2) Flame, 3) Heart of Gold, 4) ISF, 5) KAFDOC, 6) KAWP, 7) KNKS, 8) RCEDO, 9) SPIR, 10) Skatiestan Cambodia.
National Consultation Workshop on Beyond 2015
CCC works in partnership with UN Country Team (UNCT) to conduct two regional consultations in the Northwest province on 12 May in Siem Reap, and Northeast provinces
Monitoring and Evaluation Learning Forum
To review the last M&E learning forum on Effective Project Monitoring; To strengthen the understanding of result chain of the M&E framework; To develop and practice on Monitoring & Evaluation Framework; To create a learning and sharing environment and build a stronger network to each other