
Advocacy is a strategic series of actions designed to influence those who hold governmental, political, economic or private power to implement public policies and practices that benefit those with less political power and fewer economic resources (the affected group).

An advocacy campaign is a long-term set of activities that includes research, planning, and acting, monitoring, and evaluating our advocacy efforts. Alleviating poverty, fighting oppression, challenging injustice, or supporting sustainable development are all common themes of advocacy campaigns.

No matter what kind of public policy change we seek, all successful advocacy campaigns share the same characteristics.

  • Strategic
  • Series of actions
  • Designed to persuade
  • Targeted
  • Build alliances
  • Results in change
Event Calendar
21 Feb 2025, M&E Learning Forum
06 Mar 2025, Finance Learning Forum
13 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)