What is a Civil Society Organization (CSO)?
There are a myriad of academic definitions but in practice, civil society organizations (CSOs) are those that have emerged beyond the spheres of the state, the private (family networks) and the market (profit-driven entities). They have some type of formal structure and coherent non-profit agenda, with any financial surpluses typically ploughed back into the organization to further their objectives. To be considered a CSO, an organization must be able to practice independent self-governance. The term CSO is generally considered to be an umbrella term that includes Non-governmental organizations (NGOs). [CCC 2012, CSO Contributions to the Development of Cambodia 2011]
CSO include such forms as: formal development, environmental and human rights NGOs, community groups, women's organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, trade unions, self-help groups, social movements, coalitions and advocacy groups, among others. [Open Forum on CSO Development Effectiveness, 2011]
What is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)?
Non-government and non-profit organizations are established for a specific purpose, or set of specific purposes –they often have a social goal such as relieving suffering, defending the rights or promoting the interests of the poor, protecting the environment, or undertaking community development. They do not belong to any state or government apparatus, although they may collaborate with them (sometimes closely and/or over a long period) if there are shared goals and objectives. [CCC 2012, CSO Contributions to the Development of Cambodia 2011]
The term non-governmental organizations refer to domestic non-governmental organizations and foreign non-governmental organizations. [3rd Draft of LANGO, 2011]
What is a Local Non-Governmental Organization (LNGO)?
This type of NGO is formed and operated in a particular country. This may be at the national level, with representation in provinces/districts (sometimes known as a national NGOs); or can be a more local/district-based NGO, concentrated on a particular locality. In the context of Cambodia, local NGOs are those NGOs that operate within Cambodia by Cambodian nationals, and that do not have other international operations. [CCC 2012, CSO Contributions to the Development of Cambodia 2011]
A domestic non‐governmental organization is referred to a group of Khmer nationals who agree to establish an organization that will serve public interests without conducting any activity to generate profits for sharing among their members. [3rd Draft of LANGO, 2011]
What is an Association?
Associations are those organizations that are primarily established to serve their own members. They are usually made up of members that formally join the association in order to share services, resources, experience, or for the ability to negotiate as a single entity. Associations, like NGOs, are nonprofit and do not conduct any activity to generate profits for sharing among their members, although their members may engage in profit-making activities. [CCC 2012, CSO Contributions to the Development of Cambodia 2011; 3rd Draft of LANGO, 2011]
An association is referred to a group who agree to work for the protection of their members’ interests or/and public interests without conducting any activity to generate profits for sharing among their members. [3rd Draft of LANGO, 2011]
What is a Community Based Organization (CBO)?
Community based organizations (CBOs) are typically established by a particular group or community (whether a geographic community or ‘community of interest’) to advance specific and shared interests, most commonly on a small scale. They usually comprise members whose interests are directly at stake, and generally operate by mobilizing and representing communities to government (local or national), aid/development partners, private companies or others, with regard to social, cultural, economic or environmental issues. Many CBOs do not employ paid staff and function on a voluntary basis, which can be one distinguishing feature from NGOs.
What is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO)?
International NGOs are those NGOs which operate across more than one country, whether through multiple international operations, a foreign registration, or merely a founder who is foreign to the country in which operations are based. Some INGOs are thus highly localized. In the context of Cambodia, INGOs are those which meet any of these criteria and which operate in Cambodia. [CCC 2012, CSO Contributions to the Development of Cambodia 2011]
A foreign non-governmental organization refers to a group of foreign nationals, established under foreign law to take action for serving public interests in the Kingdom of Cambodia, without operating any activity to generate profits for sharing among its members. [3rd Draft of LANGO, 2011]
What are Alliances?
Alliances of associations or domestic non-governmental organizations refers to lawful associations or domestic non-governmental organizations gathering together for a common purpose, operating to serve public interests without sharing profits among their members. [3rd Draft of LANGO, 2011]
About Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (C.C.C)
What is CCC?
CCC is the leading membership organization for local and international NGOs in Cambodia. Since 1990, CCC has worked to strengthen the cooperation, professionalism, accountability, governance, and development effectiveness of the civil society organizations (CSOs) in Cambodia.
How CCC is different from other umbrella organizations?
CCC is a unique umbrella organization consisting of more than 150 members organizations (as of Sept 2012). CCC was established in 1990 for the purpose of coordinating for collective voice for a strong and capable civil society, cooperating and responsive to Cambodia’s development challenges. CCC is non-political and coordinates for shared voices from CSOs in various sectoral groups to strategically advocate at institutional and national levels. Unlike other umbrella organizations, CCC’s membership is cross sector with member organizations coming from all areas of CSO activities ranging from service delivery to faith based and stretching over to human right advocates.
What is CCC doing?
CCC provides services to NGOs in Cambodia through three main interconnected activities of the Governance Hub Program including Voluntary Certification; Capacity Development and Learning; Knowledge Management, Advice, Referrals and Linkages.
CCC supports NGOs to model good governance through Voluntary Certification System (VCS) which is a mechanism to reinforce the compliance with the Code of Ethical Principles and Minimum Standards for NGOs in Cambodia. If NGOs do not meet the requirements for Good and Professional Practice (GPP), CCC provides capacity building, mentoring and coaching to them to participate in and contribute to the development of Cambodia. CCC also provides capacity building to member organizations and non-members through learning forums and training programs.
Not limited only to capacity building, CCC generates knowledge sharing through publishing CSO information, directories and conduct update meeting with members; liaises actively on NGO matters with the Royal Government of Cambodia; builds strong and effective relationships with international and local NGOs, NGO networks, and donor agencies; represents NGOs at consultative group meetings; manages NGO database and provides advice on NGOs contacts and linkage; and provides support services for the NGO community in Cambodia.
How many members does CCC have?
As of December 2012, CCC has 152 member organizations including both local and international non-governmental organizations in Cambodia.
Why become a member of CCC?
Members of CCC get the following benefits:
- Unlimited access to a wide selection of benefits and the full range of CCC resources
- Enhanced capacity to manage government regulations and guidelines affecting NGOs
- Influence on the thinking and practices of development actors
- Peer learning forums to build your organization’s knowledge and capacity in fundamental aspects of NGO management
- Your voice and concerns heard in the wider community
- Expansion of your organization’s networks and partnerships
- Members’ only privileges
- Widespread sharing of your information across sectors within and outside Cambodia
- Access to experts at national, regional and global forums, events and training.
Find out more benefits of membership at http://www.ccc-cambodia.org/membership.html
What are the eligibility requirements of CCC membership?
- Documented status - as a non-profit, non-governmental organization (only for member status).
- Objective - holding development and humanitarian assistance as its primary objective, rather than promoting political or religious aims. (In case of doubt or contention regarding the activities of an organization, CCC has the right to ask for - and to follow up – references).
- Representation or accredited office - applicants should have an accredited office in Cambodia with the representative resident in Cambodia, or they should have staff resident in Cambodia that are explicitly authorized to represent the organization, and who are able to participate in the activities of the CCC.
- Program - applicants should be operating on-going programs in Cambodia, or supporting programs and/or NGOs/local initiatives in Cambodia, technically and or financially, which have a primary objective to provide assistance beneficial to the Cambodian people in this country, for a minimum of at least one year prior to applying for CCC membership.
- Specific documentation is required which demonstrates that the above requirements have been met. The necessary documentation is defined in the application form.
- After joining CCC, members or associates must inform CCC in writing, and provide the necessary documentation, about any change in status and /or charter, both in Cambodia as well as, in the case of international NGOs, changes within the international organization.
- The CCC Executive Committee or Membership Committee may question or review an organization’s membership status on the basis of information provided by the organization or on the basis of any other information it obtains.
What are the requirements and documents need for CCC membership?
- A letter stating the organization's desire to join CCC must be submitted to the CCC executive director
- The name of the organization and the names of the designated representative and alternate to attend CCC meetings [Pledge Form]
- A signed statement that pledges the organization to adhere to the principles of CCC as per the CCC Charter
- A signed statement that pledges the organization to participate regularly by presence or by proxy in the general meetings of CCC
- A signed statement indicating that the organization understands that the membership fee is to be paid in full upon acceptance to CCC
- Mandatory legal registration documents certifying non-profit and non-governmental status
- A description of the organization including philosophy and mandate, funding sources/procedures, a copy of your charter or rules of incorporation, and any printed promotional material available. (I.e. brochure, annual report, country programs, etc.) [Application Form]
- A description of the program and/or project in Cambodia including goals, objectives, intended beneficiaries and annual operating budget and/or Project Agreements with line ministries.
What are the features and values of being a member of CCC?
1. Join an active and vibrant network of more than 150 international and local NGOs, committed to working together for the development of Cambodia.
2. Keep fully informed about the Royal Government of Cambodia's latest regulations, guidelines and directives affecting the NGO community in Cambodia, and have opportunities to take part in meetings and dialogues between the NGO sector/RGC/development partners.
3. Receive updates on other high level meetings and dialogues.
4. Participate in strategic dialogue with development partners for the benefit of Cambodians and Cambodia.
5. Connect with CCC's communities of practice and engage in peer learning forums.
6. Become part of a unique forum to enhance and advocate for stronger NGO sector influence and representation of concerns on important development and institutional issues.
7. Reach out to all sectoral groups, all provincial NGO networks within Cambodia and other regional and international networks.
8. Ample opportunities to be linked to or be timely informed about national, regional and global forums, events and training for organizational development.
9. Receive one free copy for your NGO of all CCC publications (additional copies will be charged at a discounted rate). All research papers/practical guides are available free of charge. Please visit the publications area of our website for the full list and pricing http://www.ccc‐cambodia.org/resources/publications.html
10. CCC members can take advantage of a range of services at no extra charge:
Member rate
Non‐member rate
Electronic distribution of information to all CCC membership and other networks
Free of charge
Announcements on CCC website, e‐networks and CCC notice board
Free of charge
$10/A4 announcement
E‐links from the homepage of the CCC website with a short description of the target information
Free of charge
$5 per link/month
Advisory services on all NGO operational matters
Free of charge
Allocation of a mailbox located at CCC
Free of charge
Unlimited access to CCC e‐resources center ‐ more than 6,000 publications covering all aspects of development in Cambodia since 1991
Free of charge
Learning opportunities:
- Human Resource Management (HRM Forum)
- Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E Forum)
- Finance (Finance Forum)
- Information Computer Technology platform (ICT Platform)
- Program Development (PD Forum)
Free of charge
How much is the annual fee for CCC membership?
Annual CCC membership is calculated at 0.00225 multiplied by the organization's annual budget in Cambodia. In addition to this, candidates for membership are charged a fee of $50 for the two months for which they are Observers.
What are the types of CCC membership?
1- Member Status/Full Member
Applicants who satisfy the eligibility requirements from 1 through 5 listed below are eligible for member status. Agencies with member status have the right of voice and vote. Staff of agencies with member status may be elected to serve on any CCC committee.
2- Associate Status/Associate Member
Applicants who satisfy the eligibility requirements listed from 2 through 5 are eligible for associate status. Agencies with associate status have the right of voice only. Staff of agencies with associate status may be chosen to serve on CCC sub or ad hoc committees. Agencies eligible for member status may not choose associate status instead of member status.
NGO Mailbox
How to register an NGO mailbox at CCC?
All CCC members receive a mailbox at CCC office as part of their membership benefits. For non-members, organization has to complete and submit a mailbox request form which is available at CCC office or request for the form via email: info@ccc-cambodia.org or call 855 23 216 009, and agree to the following conditions:
- Provide copy of official registration or MOU with the Royal Government of Cambodia: Council of Ministers (COM), Ministry of Interior (MOI) or Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MOFA/IC)
- Make available information as requested by CCC such as personnel and telephone list, NGO location map
- Acknowledge that the purpose of using the mailbox is to facilitate communication among and between the development community in Cambodia and agree to use the mailbox for this purpose only.
How much is the registration fee for NGO mailbox at CCC?
There is no fee for registering NGO mailbox.
How much is the annual fee for NGO mailbox at CCC?
The mailbox service is provided for free of charge to member organizations. For non-member organizations, the annual fee for a mailbox is US$ 10 (January – December).
What are the regulations for using NGO mailbox?
The NGO mailboxes are for the use of CCC members and local and international NGOs to assist in information exchange. All visitors who would like to put advertising materials into any mailbox must first report to CCC reception. Please note that advertising materials for products and services that are not directly related to these groups is strictly forbidden and will be removed by CCC.
Mailbox owners have to collect mails/information from their mailboxes within two months. If not, CCC has the right to close the mail box.
Why do I need CCC mailbox?
NGO registering for mailbox at CCC will get the following benefits such as receiving up to date information from NGO community such as research findings, learning materials, new publications, course announcements and more. In addition, you can also distribute your organization’s reports and newsletter to more than 400 NGOs throughout Cambodia within few minutes.
Can everyone advertise free of charge in the NGO mailbox at CCC?
Usages of CCC services are reserved primarily for CCC members and registered NGOs for mailbox. We do not encourage junk mailing or private sector advertising.
Are CCC’s member organizations and the NGOs registered for CCC mailbox included in the Agency Contact Listing?
All of CCC’s member organizations and the NGOs registered for CCC mailbox are included in the Agency Contact Listing.
CCC vs NGO Governance and Professional Practice (GPP)
Is CCC and NGO Governance & Professional Practice (NGO GPP) the same?
CCC and NGO GPP are not the same. CCC is the leading membership organization for local and international NGOs in Cambodia, established since 1990. CCC is the founder of NGO GPP project which implement voluntary certification system for good governance of NGO in Cambodia. Click here to learn more about NGO GPP.
What is the different between CCC membership and Governance & professional Practice Certification (GPP certification)?
CCC membership and GPP certification are different. CCC membership is the state of an organization joining CCC as member to strengthen NGO voice and sodality in Cambodia. To become CCC member, an organization is required to apply for membership. Successful member of CCC is required to pay an amount of membership fee which in return, member receives many benefits, services and enjoy member privileges provided by CCC.
GPP certification is the voluntary certification system operated under CCC. It is a system that an organization can apply for certificate of Good Governance and Professional Practice. Through the certification process, applicant NGO will be checked by two independent bodies using the 26 standards of good governance and professional practice. Successful applicant NGO will be granted a GPP Certificate as a good governance model NGO. GPP certified NGO is required to pay an amount of annual certification fee to GPP.
Who can apply for NGO GPP certification?
NGO GPP certification is open to all local and international NGOs in and/or outside Cambodia.
How to apply for NGO GPP certificate?
To apply for NGO GPP certificate, organizations are advised to read the Guideline for the Voluntary Certification System for NGOs in Cambodia and make sure that your organization meets the prerequisite requirements. If your organization meets the prerequisite requirements, complete the application and assemble the requested documents and send one hard copy and one electronic copy of the completed application, document checklist and requested attachments to NGO GPP at CCC Office.
More instruction on application and application form can be downloaded here.
What are the prerequisite requirements for eligible to apply for NGO GPP certificate?
The prerequisite requirements for eligible to apply for NGO GPP certificate are:
The NGO is registered with relevant ministries
- The NGO has current annual financial audit
- The NGO has organizational statutes or bylaws
- The NGO has a governing body with at least five members
- The NGO is in operation minimum of three years
- The NGO produces an organizational annual report
More instruction on application and application form can be downloaded here.
What are the required documents to apply for NGO GPP certificate?
The required documents to apply for NGO GPP certificate are:
- The Organization's written Values and Mission statement (Standard 1.1)
- The Organization’s Strategic Plan (Standard 1.4)
- The Organization’s registration document/official letter of agreement (Standard 2.1)
- Minutes from the last two board meetings (Standard 2.2)
- List of current board members with the following information for each member: name, main employer, occupation, date each board member’s term expires (Standard 2.2)
- Any documents that outline the role of board members (Standard 2.2)
- The Organization’s bylaws or statutes (Standard 2.3)
- Terms of Reference for Senior Management Team (Standard 3.2)
- The Organization’s most recent Annual Report (Standard 3.3)
- The Organization’s most recent external audit statement or report (Standard 4.1)
- The Organization’s financial policies (Standard 4.2)
- The Organization’s most current implemented project proposal (Standard 5.1)
- Current list of the Organization’s stakeholders including donors, government, partners, membership, target community and staff members (Standard 5.1)
- Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedure (Standard 5.3)
- The Organization’s most recent program evaluation report (Standard 6.1)
- The Organization’s personnel policies (Standard 7.1)
- Sample job description from the Organization (Standard 7.2)
- Staff appraisal form (Standard 7.3)
- Gender and Minority Policy and Procedure (Standard 7.4)
- Grievance Procedure (Standard 7.5)
More instruction on application and application form can be downloaded here.
What are the application review processes?
After an application package is received by NGO GPP, staff will conduct an initial review of the materials. Staff will then contact the applicant organization via phone, email, and/or in-person consultation if additional information or clarification is needed.
Completed application packages will be reviewed by the NGO GPP Working Group (WG) members. The WG will thoroughly review the application package and make a recommendation to NGO GPP. If application criteria are adequately met, NGO GPP staff will request and schedule a field visit meeting with the applicant organization as part of the review process. NGO GPP staff will prepare a brief report after the field visit; this report will be submitted to the NGO Code Compliance Committee (NCCC). The NCCC makes the final decision to accept an organization's application.
Every effort will be made to avoid conflicts of interest in the review process. Reviewers will be required to disclose their interests and organizational involvement in an annual disclosure form. Reviewers and staff will adhere to a strict confidentiality policy that safeguards the confidentiality of all aspects of the application submitted and applicant organization.
Applicants should keep a copy of the completed application and accompanying materials for future reference.
More instruction on application and application form can be downloaded here.
What is the application fee for NGO GPP certification?
The application fee (based on the applicant's annual budget) shall be paid to NGO GPP once the applicant NGO receives notification from NGO GPP that their application is accepted to begin the certification process.
NGO Annual budget for current year (in USD)
Application Fee (in USD)
Below 50,000
50,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 150,000
150,001 to 200,000
200,001 to 499,999
500,000 to 999,999
Over 1,000,000
What is the annual NGO GPP certification fee?
All certified NGOs will be required to pay a fixed annual fee payable on the date that they become certified, and on the anniversary of their certification for each subsequent year. This fee will license the certified NGO to use the NGO GPP logo and associated corporate promotional materials featuring NGO GPP branding. The fee will also contribute to not less than one follow-up visit by GPP staff to ensure consistent compliance with the VCS standards.
NGO annual budget for current year(in USD)
AnnualFee (USD)
Below 50,000
50,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 150,000
150,001 to 200,000
200,001 to 499,999
500,000 to 999,999
Over 1,000,000
What are the benefits of applying for NGO GPP certification?
The applicant NGOs will receive the following benefits:
- An independent and full assessment against the Code of Ethical Principles and Minimum Standards for the NGO Community in Cambodia.
- Professional and technical guidance to improve the organization’s performance in compliance with the Code of Ethical Principles and Minimum Standards for the NGO Community in Cambodia.
- Assisted reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of their own organizations while the VCS application is being processed.
- Comments and feedback from the organization's internal stakeholders.
- Recognition as an NGO that commits to have good governance, accountability and transparency.
- Involvement in promoting good governance, accountability and transparency to NGO community in Cambodia which will contribute to the promotion of development effectiveness in Cambodia.
- Ongoing access to continuing learning and information-sharing on issues relating to governance and professionalism.
- Introduction to donor agencies for fundraising purposes.
What are the benefits of becoming GPP certified NGO?
The certified NGO will receive the following benefits:
- Receive NGO GPP certificate and logo, as well as being promoted nationally and internally as a trustworthy and transparent organization.
- Use of the NGO GPP logo and CCC’s communication system to promote the status and profile of the organization.
- Continue receiving services from GPP Team with follow up and monitoring activities conducted by the members of the GPP Team.
- Through the service of GPP team the organizations will be indirectly introduced to potential donors or other development partners.
- Participate in various events organized by NGO GPP, and through these, participants continue to learn from each other as certified NGOs what needs to be changed and improved within the organizations to make sure that the NGOs can maintain good governance, accountability and transparency of the organization.
- Recognition as an NGO with good governance, accountability and transparency.
- Maintain visibility as a Certified NGO on the CCC website, and ongoing promotion of Certified NGOs with donors through CCC corporate messaging.
Volunteer Opportunity
How do I find more information about volunteer opportunities in Cambodia?
There are number of organizations in Cambodia offering volunteering opportunities both at institutional and community levels. CCC is a leading umbrella organizations with more than 150 NGO members can provide advices and contacts to a number of NGOs within our network. Contact us for more information.
Does CCC coordinate for volunteer job?
CCC does not coordinate or arrange for volunteer job in Cambodia, though we can give you advices and contact details of any NGOs you wish to contact.
Does CCC provide opportunities for volunteer?
CCC does provide opportunities for volunteer. The frequency, duration and form of volunteer accepted by CCC vary depending on the scope and organizational need.
Can CCC advice on NGOs that need short term volunteer and its contacts?
Before engaging in short-term volunteering in Cambodia, we suggest you consider the long-term impact and do not visit or work with orphanages as this encourages an industry which is generally detrimental to the children who would otherwise be at home – contact ChildSafe Network
for more information.Contact us for more information on short term volunteer.
Situation of NGOs in Cambodia
How many INGOs and LNGOs are registered in Cambodia?
Since the mid-1990’s, the number of CSOs in Cambodia has grown exponentially. In December 2011, there were 3,492 local and international organizations registered, leading some observers to say that there are too many of them and that the sector is unwieldy. The international NGOs are registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affair and International Cooperation (MOFA/IC) and local NGOs and associations are registered with the Ministry of Interior (MOI). There are 508 INGOs listed with the MOFA/IC in the years up to 2010.
How many of the NGOs remain active in Cambodia?
Of the total 3,492 organizations registered with the MOI and MOFA/IC, the census conducted by CCC published in 2012 found that 1 226 (35 percent) remain active. 3 percent reported to be inactive while another 4 percent were formally or informally closed. The results for INGOs show that 322, or 63 percent of the total, remain active. [CCC 2012, CSO Contributions to the Development of Cambodia 2011]
How many NGOs are operating within each sector such as Gender, Water & Sanitation, Child’s Right, etc in Cambodia? Who are they?
The number of NGOs operating within each sector varies from year to year. Some information can be found in publication “CSO Contributions to the Development of Cambodia 2011” published by CCC in 2012, or contact our Membership Services Unit for further information at monireth.toy@ccc-cambodia.org or call 855 23 216 009.
Can CCC share the list of NGOs in Cambodia and its contact details?
CCC is the leading organization managing a database of hundreds of NGOs contacts and information. To facilitate information sharing with stakeholders in Cambodia, CCC regularly publishes the Agency Contact Listing which includes information on 764 agencies operating in Cambodia including local NGOs, international NGOs and donors. This publication contains details on staff, phone, fax, email, postal addresses, and contacts in the provinces. One copy of publication is shared for free of charge to member organizations and additional copies will be charged only US$ 24. Non-members price is only US$ 36. Contact to purchase the publication at info@ccc-cambodia.org or call +855 23 216 009.
NGOs Registration and Operation
Which ministry a local NGO/Association has to register with in Cambodia?
A local NGO/Association has to register with the Cambodian Ministry of Interior (MOI).
What are the requirements for local NGO/Association to register with Cambodian Ministry of Interior (MOI)?
A) Requirements for local NGO who has office in Phnom Penh:
- Copies of Application Form for registration of Local Association/NGOs with signatures (Confirmed by commune and district on the back of the form)
- Copies of Permission letters, issued by Municipality, about location of the office of the Local Association/NGO
- CV of at least 3 Cambodian Founders, including a director, an administrator and a treasurer (5 copies each) including 4x6 photos (attached with copied Khmer ID Card or Birth Certificate or Equal Documentation)
- Copies of Statute of Local Association/NGO with signatures of the director
- Copies of Structure of the Local Association/NGO (Name and position in accordance with the CV), with signatures of the director
- Copies of a map of the location of the office of that Association/NGO (confirmed by commune on the back of the map)
- 10x15 photo of the front-office (two landscape and two portrait photos; two of the office and two others with house owner and director taken together in front of the office)
- Copies of Office Lease Agreement, attached with family certificate (copied) of the house owner or 5 copies of permission letters indicated that the house is used as an office free of charge (confirmed by commune) (thumbprint and copies of the family certificate of the house owner).
B) Requirements for local NGO who has offices in provinces
- Copies of Application Form for Registration with signatures of the director (confirmed by commune and district on the back of the form)
- CV of at least 3 Cambodian Founders, including a director, an administrator and a treasurer (5 copies each) including 4x6 photos (attached with copied Khmer ID Card or Birth Certificate or Equal Documentation)
- Copies of statute of the association/ NGO
- Copies of the structure of the association/organization (name and position in accordance with CV) signed by the director.
Which ministry an international NGO/Association has to register with in Cambodia?
An international NGO/Association has to register with the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affair and international Cooperation (MOFA/IC).
What are the requirements for international NGO/Association to register with Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affair and international Cooperation (MOFA/IC)?
Eight requirements for international NGO/Association to register with Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affair and international Cooperation (MOFA/IC) are:
- Requesting from Org’s Headquarters for signing MOU or establishing its NGO’s Branch/Affiliated office in Cambodia
- Appointing letter / Poser of Attorney from law firm, issued by President / Director / Board Directors from its Headquarter, to nominate its Representative / Country Director in Cambodia including his/her CV
- Office’s address in Cambodia certified by Commune / Sangkat Chief )01)/ Logo and / Stamp of NGOs
- Registration letter or Certificate of the Organization (Certified by authority concerned where the Organization /its Headquarter was formed) and embassy or its bylaw / Statute (01 set)
- Supporting letter(s) on Organization ‘s project issued by Ministry(ies) concerned of the Royal Government of Cambodia (01 set)
- Project Activities and Budget Plan for next 3 years
- Letter of budget confirmation for 3-year project issued by the Organization’s Headquarter / Board of Director
- Confirming / promising letter to provide Organization’s Bank Account in Cambodia
- Promising letter to provide Tax Registration within 3 months
- Promising letter to provide the MoU/Agreement with Ministry partner
- List of Local and Experiat staffs
- Sample of Stamp and Logo
What are the required documents for renewal MOU with Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affair and international Cooperation (MOFA/IC)?
The required documents include:
- Requesting letter for extension of existing MOU from its Country’s Rep.
- A copy of soon-expired MOU which was last signed with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
- A supporting letter for Organization / Organization’s project from line Ministries concerned or other Institution of Cambodia’s Government
- Project Activities and Budget Plan for next 3 years
- Letter for budget confirmation for 3-year project issued by the organization’s Heardquarters / Board of Directors
- Updated Bank’s Account Statement
- List of expatriate and local staff and updated address of Office
- Annual Report on activities and budget expenditure
- 3-year Report and summary on budget expenditure for last 3 years
- CV of Country Director / Representative (including the Power of Attorney / Appointment Letter issued from the Org’s Headquarters, passport)
- Letter of Tax Registration
- MoU / Agreement between NGOs and Royal Government’s Partner
How does NGO/Association get a support letter from Cambodian line ministries?
The required documents include:
- A Request Letter for Supporting submitting to line ministries
- Copies of strategic plan or action plan
- Copies of Budget plan
- Copies of staff list including local and foreign staff
- Copies of list of vehicles