Operational Plan 2016

2016 is the third year of implementation of the Governance Hub Program of the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC, GHP 2014-2018). The GHP was developed with participation of CCC members, funding partners, development partners and others with a common goal to see civil society in Cambodia becomes strong, capable and more responsive to development challenges toward sustainable development in Cambodia.

We are pleased to present our 2016 Operational Plan and budget which were adapted from the 5 year GHP program with some adjustment and reflection to the current situation and priorities of development both at national and sub-national levels in the country. This operational plan has gone through the consultation process with staff members, CCC members, the Executive Committee of CCC (EXCOM) and funding partners. Through the implementation of this operational plan, we will sharpen our efforts toward addressing three critical issues: 1) good governance and quality services of CSOs, 2) fostering enabling environment (legal framework such as LANGO and Cybercrime Law, collaboration among CSOs, financial sustainability and inclusive partnership for sustainable development), and 3) local democratic development through engagement in social accountability framework, Implementation Program of D&D phase 2015-2017, Open Government Partnership (OGP), localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These efforts will lead to achieve key outcomes: improved quality of CSOs services; increased collaboration amongst CSOs; enhanced enabling environment for development actors; and increased capacity of CCC to perform its roles.

CCC remains playing its three important roles as the coordinator, networker and advocate. Our working approaches are inclusive partnership, human rights based approaches to development, and decentralization of its key interventions to sub-national level.

CCC will invest US$987,758 and employ 41 staff members. 1,000 CSOs will directly benefit and hundred thousands of CSOs and individual indirectly benefit from this 2016 operational plan. CCC will work nationwide, but the focus and resources will be prioritized for Phnom Penh, and 15 provinces that have got into the Memorandum of Understanding with CCC.

On the behalf of members, Executive Committee, and staff of CCC, we would like to extend our appreciation to the support and collaboration from all stakeholders and we believe the relationship and partnership become more genuine, inclusive, and mutually supportive for 2016 and onward for sustainable development in Cambodia.




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