2nd Finance Learning Forum 2016
Speaker By:
Venue: Diakonia Center, Phnom Penh
Date: 11 Aug-11 Aug 2016
- To inform the participants of the common forms of corruption & fraud.
- To refresh knowledge and understanding of the participants about fraud cases.
- To help participants strengthen their organization’s intern control system and sound financial management which are robust in preventing fraud.
- To create a learning and sharing
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Other Event Archives
1st M&E Learning Forum 2016
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CSO Strategic Discussion for Policies and Programing
Share on current policies impacts to civil society operation including CSDGs, DCPS and so on. Share and discuss on research finding related to CSOs (CSO Image, Enabling Environment, Sustainability Index, Older People, and CSO Road Map). Discusse and generate key strategic recommendation for better programing and policies..
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