
យី⁣ សុខសាន្ត

Country Operation Manager, Sunrise Organization (Australia-Cambodia Fund)

“ The GPA training course is very important for me as a leader because it has not only knowledge on Monitoring and Evaluation, Strategic plan, Organizational Development, Human resources and financial management, etc..; but it also provided more information on how to get the GPP certificate, a chance to build networks and relationships with other NGO. ”

“ This course is more useful than I expected, so I will apply this knowledge to develop the strategic plan and promote the professional practice in my organization. ”

Mrs. May Somphors

Admin and Human resource manager, Khmer Youth Association organization

“GPP certificate is very important to my organization because it can be the evidence that my organization has capacity and complies with minimum standards. Besides that, it’s motivation for my staff to be more transparent and accountable and to build trust among donors, partners and other stakeholders.”

លោក ប៊ុន សំពៅ

community organizer, Help Age International

“Thank so much to CCC who organized this ARO training to build up my knowledge and skill on how to do the research. I will apply this new knowledge with my work because it is very helpful in improving my own and my organization’s ability to respond to development challenges.”

Ms.Men Samphorn

One of CPAR participants, Community worker, Help Age International

“Since I attended the first CPAR course, I have applied most of the knowledge gained course to conduct action research on “Safe Migration” and I have shared the knowledge to the head of the Help Age Association to advocate for fund raising to develop their communities. This training helped me to learn how to write a proposal and report and gave me the basic concept of community empowerment.”

Annie Nut

Country Director, Help Age International

“I would like to extend my sincere esteem and thanks to the CCC for sharing this key document and for creating space and opportunities for CSO to share perspectives and inputs in the National Strategic Development Plan.”

Ms. Vanthy Nop

Executive Advisor, World Vision Cambodia

“I am really appreciated the openness and good support of CCC leaders for NGO members, including World Vision. Getting to know you all more closely is a good benefit for me and my organization. And thank you very much for the Priority Operation Cost documents.”

Event Calendar
21 Feb 2025, M&E Learning Forum
06 Mar 2025, Finance Learning Forum
13 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)